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Free 4th Grade Multiplicative Comparison Worksheets Give yourself a break – cut down on prep time for your next lesson by using these free printable worksheets! Download the worksheets Multiply the Fun! Learning Multiplicative Comparison Hold up! We’re sure that this is the best classroom gamification strategy you’ll ever see. Check out how you can reignite…

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Counting Songs Counting Songs – The best way to memorize counting is to practice counting with songs.  Several different songs that are great for preschoolers, kindergarten students, or any child struggling with counting. Great for teaching English as a second language. Printable lyrics or viewable PDF for smart board. Know number names and the count…


Printable Place Value Cards Printable Place Value Cards – Set of place value cards that slide on top of each other to make decomposition of place value visible. Great for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade or for any student needing to understand the basic concept of place value. Work with numbers 11-19 to gain…


Drawing Inferences Drawing Inferences – Free printable worksheets can be used to have students determine what the author is suggesting by using the information from the text and what is already known about the content.  Students will reviews recorded information and write an inference. Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in…

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Animated Reading Comprehension Lessons & Activity (Fifth Grade) Synonyms and Antonyms – This free, fifth-grade vocabulary lesson reviews age-appropriate synonyms and antonyms such as hinder: prevent, interfere, and assist and competent: ineffective, skillful, and capable. Students read short sentences and sort words as synonyms or antonyms. Helpful hints are provided that use each word in…

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Animated Reading Comprehension Lessons & Activity (Fourth Grade) Synonyms and Antonyms – The fun factor of this free vocab lesson will have your kids asking for more practice with synonyms and antonyms. Children help a frog cross a river by hopping on synonym or antonym logs. Synonyms and antonyms of words like secluded, aid and…


Compare and Contrast Story Elements Compare and Contrast Story Elements – Free printable worksheets which allow students to record similarities and differences of story elements by completing a graphic organizer. Craft and Structure: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.6 Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations.…

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Animated Reading Comprehension Lessons & Activity (Second and Third Grade) Prefixes and Suffixes – You’ll love this fun and free vocabulary lesson! Children play a balloon game and make new words by adding prefixes and suffixes to root words. Specific feedback combined with exciting interaction makes this lesson a hit for parents and students. Basic…


Animated Phonics Lessons & Activities (Third Grade) Syllabification – This free phonics lesson will teach your third-graders how to identify the number of syllables in a word. Words like dinosaur, lizard, and cave are reviewed. You might see your student with the top of their hand against their chin while reading aloud, but don’t worry,…

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Animated Reading Comprehension Lessons & Activity (Second Grade) Homophones – Learn about homophones in this free vocabulary lesson. Children first play a homophone matching game, matching words like meat and meet and mail and male to pictures they flip. Last, kids create a short story by filling in the blanks with correctly spelled homophones. Immediate…

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Animated Phonics Lessons (Second Grade) Consonant Digraphs – Capt. Armstrong leads your children on an important mission in this free second grade phonics lesson. Students are prompted to match consonant digraphs, including th, ch, and sh, with word parts to make words they hear. Correct matches will send each spaceship blasting off to outer space!…
