
Critical Verbs – Common Core Vocabulary Below is a list of critical verbs students must comprehend for the Common Core State Standards K-12. Analyze Articulate Cite Compare Comprehend Contrast Delineate Demonstrate Describe Determine Develop Distinguish Draw Evaluate Explain Identify Infer Integrate Interpret Locate Organize Paraphrase Refer Retell Suggest Support Summarize Synthesize Trace Verb Definitions analyze…


Setting Up Writing Workshop: Prewriting, First Draft, Revising, Editing, Publishing Writers’ Workshop – Learn how to set up a writers workshop in your class. Learn about teaching Prewriting, First Draft, Revising, Editing, Publishing & more. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.1 -5.10 It is a tool that will allow you cover all Common Core Standards for ELA Writing. Text Types…


K-12 Reading Lesson Plans Read Write Think –  Hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices. Elementary, middle school and high school reading lesson plans covering many Common Core standards. CCSS.ELA-Literacy English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature, Foundational Skills, Informational Text, Speaking and Listening,…
