
Functions: Polynomial Functions and Scatter Plots Polynomial Functions and Scatter Plots – Students model linear, quadratic, and cubic relationships by analyzing a scatterplot and representing it with a function in either standard or factored form. Lesson Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.SP.A.1 Construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data to investigate…

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Eigth Grade Common Core Math and ELA Lessons Share My Lesson –  Over 200 Eighth Grade Common Core Math and ELA Lessons with standards.  Some on powerpoint all printable.  You must have a membership, but it is free.


Math Performance Assessment Tasks Inside Mathematics – Elementary, middle school, and high school performance tasks. Printable and viewable PDF’s which include math tasks, performance assessment rubrics, and student examples.

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Middle School Math Common Core Videos for Teachers Common Core Math Videos – Need help on teaching Common Core math?  Engage New York is a math series designed just for Common Core.  The videos show various ways to teach some of the Common Core math standards.  It is a great place to go if you…
