
Common Core Reading Lessons: Theme The underlying message or lesson that the author is trying to convey to the reader. These often include universal values dealing with life, society or human nature. Theme Lessons – Covers second through sixth grade. Examples: Identify the plot and main idea of a story that supports the theme.  Identify events…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Setting Where and when a story takes place. Setting Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Examples: Identify when and where a story takes place.  Identify and describe when a story takes place using evidence from pictures, text, and clue words.  Determine the implicit setting of a story using context clues…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Sequence The order of events or steps in a text. Sequence Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Examples: Show the correct order of events from beginning to end in a story.  Use sequence clue words (morning, afternoon, late afternoon, night, and months) to show the correct order of events in…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Predicting Using information from a text to decide what will most likely happen next. Predicting Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Predict the outcome of a story with repeated text. Revise predictions that are incorrect. Make predictions based on character relationships. Create predictions based on historical events. Integration of Knowledge…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Point of View The perspective from which a story is told to the reader (i.e. first person). Point of View Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Identify and describe the differences between first person and third person points of view. Identify and describe first person, third person objective, third…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Plot The structure of events that make up the main story of a text. Plot Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.   Examples: Identify and describe the problem and solution in a story. Identify and describe the story elements in a story (characters, setting, problem, solution). Identify and describe how characters…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Main Idea The big idea in a text that tells what the text is mostly about. Main Idea Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Examples: Identify and describe what a book is mainly about using the title, text, and pictures. Identify and describe the main idea of a nonfiction book…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Figurative Language Language enriched by word images and figures of speech. Figurative Language – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Identify and describe onomatopoeia in literature. Identify and describe hyperboles, idioms, metaphors, and similes in literature. Identify and describe puns. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.5 Add drawings or other visual displays…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Explicit Information Details that can be clearly found “right there” in the text. Explicit Information – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Identify explicit information in nonfiction and fiction. Use text features in nonfiction texts to identify explicit information. Use explicit information to answer questions about a fiction text. Key Ideas…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Drawing Conclusions Combining background knowledge, personal experience and textual information to determine meaning. Drawing Conclusions Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Use pictures and context clues to draw conclusions about a missing word.  Identify the difference between explicit information and drawing conclusions.  Use background knowledge to draw a conclusion from…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Compare and Contrast How two or more things are alike (Compare) and how they are different (Contrast). Compare and Contrast Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Identify the similarities between two pictures when comparing them. Compare and contrast two characters from a book, a subject in a nonfiction book, two…
