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Reading Lessons (K-5) Reading Lessons – From Scholastic. Covering kindergarten through sixth grade. Thousands of free lesson plans, unit plans, discussion guides, and extension activities. Covers many Common Core standards. CCSS.ELA-Literacy English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature, Foundational Skills, Informational Text, Speaking and Listening, Language. Key Ideas and Details (Literature and Informational Text) Craft…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Comprehension Units Comprehension Units – These research-based units facilitate close reading, precise questioning based on evidence in the text, and focused discussion to enable comprehension of the entire text. Read-aloud and paired text lessons embody the most effective research-proven instructional practices to support student comprehension. Units are based on superb, carefully…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Setting Where and when a story takes place. Setting Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Examples: Identify when and where a story takes place.  Identify and describe when a story takes place using evidence from pictures, text, and clue words.  Determine the implicit setting of a story using context clues…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Predicting Using information from a text to decide what will most likely happen next. Predicting Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Predict the outcome of a story with repeated text. Revise predictions that are incorrect. Make predictions based on character relationships. Create predictions based on historical events. Integration of Knowledge…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Figurative Language Language enriched by word images and figures of speech. Figurative Language – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Identify and describe onomatopoeia in literature. Identify and describe hyperboles, idioms, metaphors, and similes in literature. Identify and describe puns. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.5 Add drawings or other visual displays…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Classify and Categorize To arrange or organize details from a text into groups with similar traits (Categorize), and to name or label that group (Classify). Classify & Categorize Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Categorize characters based on their character traits, Classify and categorize information into an outline form, and more.…


K-12 Reading Lesson Plans Read Write Think –  Hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices. Elementary, middle school and high school reading lesson plans covering many Common Core standards. CCSS.ELA-Literacy English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature, Foundational Skills, Informational Text, Speaking and Listening,…
