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Animated Reading Comprehension Lessons & Activity (Fourth Grade) Synonyms and Antonyms – The fun factor of this free vocab lesson will have your kids asking for more practice with synonyms and antonyms. Children help a frog cross a river by hopping on synonym or antonym logs. Synonyms and antonyms of words like secluded, aid and…

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Reading Passages (K-8) Reading Passages – Must register (free) to have access to passages. Covers reading levels kindergarten through eight grade.  The passages can be used for comprehension, fluency, or about any reading skill in the Common Core State Standards. Informational and literary texts. Organized by grade or lexile. The reading passages can be used…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Comprehension Units Comprehension Units – These research-based units facilitate close reading, precise questioning based on evidence in the text, and focused discussion to enable comprehension of the entire text. Read-aloud and paired text lessons embody the most effective research-proven instructional practices to support student comprehension. Units are based on superb, carefully…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Vocabulary in Context The meaning of a word within a text. Vocabulary in Context Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.  Examples: Use picture cues to read unknown words. Use visual, meaning, and structure clues together to determine the meaning of a word.  Use a dictionary to find the meaning of…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Predicting Using information from a text to decide what will most likely happen next. Predicting Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Predict the outcome of a story with repeated text. Revise predictions that are incorrect. Make predictions based on character relationships. Create predictions based on historical events. Integration of Knowledge…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Plot The structure of events that make up the main story of a text. Plot Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade.   Examples: Identify and describe the problem and solution in a story. Identify and describe the story elements in a story (characters, setting, problem, solution). Identify and describe how characters…


Common Core Reading Lessons: Fact and Opinion Information that can be proven to be true or false (Fact) and a personal statement of what one believes about a subject (Opinion). Fact and Opinion – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples: Identify facts and form opinions from a text. Distinguish between fact and opinion.  Locate and…

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Common Core Reading Lessons: Classify and Categorize To arrange or organize details from a text into groups with similar traits (Categorize), and to name or label that group (Classify). Classify & Categorize Lessons – Covers kindergarten through sixth grade. Categorize characters based on their character traits, Classify and categorize information into an outline form, and more.…


Critical Nouns – Common Core Vocabulary Below is a list of critical nouns students must comprehend for the Common Core State Standards K-12. Alliteration Analogy Argument Central Idea Conclusions Connections Connotative Language Details Evidence Figurative Language Illustrations Interaction Metaphor Mood Point of view Rhetoric Simile Stanza Structures Theme Tone  


Critical Verbs – Common Core Vocabulary Below is a list of critical verbs students must comprehend for the Common Core State Standards K-12. Analyze Articulate Cite Compare Comprehend Contrast Delineate Demonstrate Describe Determine Develop Distinguish Draw Evaluate Explain Identify Infer Integrate Interpret Locate Organize Paraphrase Refer Retell Suggest Support Summarize Synthesize Trace Verb Definitions analyze…


Reading Comprehension Lessons and Worksheets ReadWorks – Free site with over 1,400 K-8 non-fiction and literary reading passages, each with a research-based question set to support student comprehension. Printable worksheets and lessons. Comprehension Units These research-based units facilitate close reading, precise questioning based on evidence in the text, and focused discussion to enable comprehension of…
