Center and Station Ideas

Grab these center and station ideas to use in your classroom or homeschool lesson.

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Center and Station Ideas


Theme Related Centers

Literacy centers. Literature circle, Browsing Box, Independent Reading, Buddy or paired reading, Writing Folder, Journal Writing, Pocket Chart, Phonics Center, Handwriting Center, Overhead, Sight Word Center, Poetry Box, Listening, Drama Center, Big Books, Computers, Stamp a Story, Build a Sentence and Deal a story.


Center Ideas

66 different center ideas for elementary school. Includes math, literacy centers, including drama center, puppet making, games and more. Cheap ways to do them too!

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Science & Social Studies

Solving the age-old problem of fitting these subjects into your daily routine. Science & Social studies centers integrates reading, writing, technology & research & can be used from third grade up & can be tailored to use for below third grade too.


Kindergarten Centers

ABC Centers". It is a very active time in which students have the opportunity to work hands on with literacy materials. Students are actively engaged in the learning process as they are thinking and doing. They are practicing & developing letter/sound knowledge, listening skills, oral language expression, rhyme, letter formation, cooperation, etc.

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Math Centers

Elementary centers ideas for estimation, Venn Diagrams, Addition, Pattern Blocks, Beat the Calculator, Measurement Box, Money Activities & Fractions.


More Math Centers

Lower Elementary centers ideas for using manipulatives to make patterns, coin counting booklets, counting skills, pattern blocks to form pictures, telling time & solving problems.

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