
Numberblocks - Build concepts of composing, decomposing, adding, subtracting. Unfix Cubes are suggested to go along with this. Can be done with a whiteboard, but the hands on building is important.
One - Learn to count to five using the number one.
Two - Add and subtract 1 to make number 2 bigger or smaller.
Three - Learn all about three including three 3's is 9.
One, Two, Three - Adding with all three.
Four - Decompose 4 by the terrible twos. Introduces square. Two 4's is 8.
Five - Decompose 5 to 1 + 4 and 2 + 3. Also 1+1+1+1+1.
Six - 6+1 is 7. 3 + 3 is 6.
Six, Seven, Eight - Dice/die, 6+1, 7+1, twos to build 8.
Nine, Ten - count to 9, 3 threes is 9 like 2 twos is 4 = squares.
Ten - Count to ten and decompose, place value.
Numberblock videos organized by number.